29 Dec Wisdom Nani Ameɖoɖa
My name is Wisdom Nani Ameɖoɖa, I am68 years.I live at Kashito. My major occupation is Driving. But I am a Kete weaver, I have been weaving for 50 years. I choose kete weaving as my major occupation because this is the only source of livelihood in my community. I was taught weaving by my father.
What type(s) of kete do you weave?
Fiawoyome, tekpakpԑ etc.
Do you weave on order, or you sell the product at Agbozume market?
I sell my product at Agbozume market.
What raw materials do you use in weaving?
Yarn: cotton and kadzeyibor.
How do you acquire the yarn for kete weaving?
I buy it at Agbozume market.
Do you use the yarn kadada in weaving?
What types of designs and patterns do you weave in kete?
“Writing design,” dondo, elo, and designing a full animal.
Why do you adopt those designs?
Customers prefer them.
How did you get to know the designs and patterns?
I was taught by my uncle.
How old are those designs and patterns that you weave in kete?
Very old; they were in existence before I started weaving.
How popular are they? Do people of Agbozume and neighbouring areas wear kete with those designs and patterns?
They are very popular and people around Agbozume wear them.
Are there any obstacles discouraging the kete industry in Agbozume area?
There is no seniority in kete weaving and this makes it difficult for children weaving today to recognize men who hold the fort for the business to still exist. Then also the issue of middlemen called bojaboja is a major problem for weavers.
In your opinion, how should those problems be resolved?
There is no solution in sight, because of the issue of generation gap where young people think they know more than their parents.
Bojaboja men should be kicked out of the market system because they make more money than weavers themselves. We are very bitter about this issue and we need an urgent solution to it.
Why do you think the kete industry in Agbozume and neighbouring areas has survived up till now?
It is because we are born into it. Kete weaving is now part of our culture and it is also lucrative.
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